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Click bait

Writer's picture: The Boozy WeathergirlThe Boozy Weathergirl

Facebook broke this week, shining a hideous spotlight on its massive impact on life and business throughout the world. I'm here hoping to only make a fraction of that impact on you with this week's Deep Thoughts Thursday with The Boozy Weathergirl.



Last week, I proofed my blog post, and the word I missed was "proof."


All the little red numbers on each app, showing you how many unopened things you have in that app, give me such unnecessary anxiety!


New laws started in CT on October 1. One of them is a deposit law on liquor nips. Ridiculous. You can't even return them to get the nickel back. Looks like I'm going back to keeping a big bottle in my purse...


A word of advice - when responding to texts, check the top of the message to make sure it was sent only to you and not to a group. It could make your response to the message very, very different.


We listen to a radio station at work, and every day, the song Purple Rain (Prince) is played. It is my assumption that this song is put in the rotation at times when the DJ either wants to smoke or needs to take a dump. And I can guarantee it's the latter when it's followed by Paradise by the Dashboard Lights (Meatloaf) and American Pie (Don McLean). #williteverend


I also have a a lot of three-ring binders at work. Nothing is more annoying to an anal retent like myself than those sliver binder rings in the center that just will not rejoin together evenly. I spend hours trying to fix this. I've even used pliers and vice grips in an attempt to correct the problem. But, sadly, once they're off track, they're off track.


I was looking at paint chips at Home Depot the other day. It reminded me that even if you took all the chips and hung them together on the walls you're painting, it NEVER comes out like that color visually. Just ask my poor bathroom that we painted yellow in Georgia. It was a small half bath, and the yellow that we chose did nothing for this space except inspire people to pee.


I try very hard not to feed into the click bait online. I know what's trying to be done, and I don't want my user information associated with any of it. But every once in a while, I need a distraction, and I do want to know what has happened to all the stars from my youth. So I start clicking. I get past the two sentences that tell me nothing, and then I have to scroll down to find where to continue, go to hit "continue," but end up clicking on an ad for a product I have no interest in, and repeat this process about 10 times before I forget what the article was supposedly even about and feel ready to toss my computer out the window.


I still use lint rollers. I looked up that this device was invented in 1954. You're telling me that in 67 years, no company has come up with a better way to perforate those sticky strips, so I'm not ripping 17 sheets of them off at one time?


My sister, Kelly, said the most profound thing to me this weekend, and I wanted to share it with you - My stomach is flat, minus the "l."


I'm not sure anyone cares to admit celebrating Columbus Day anymore, but I am looking forward to the long weekend. How about we all give Facebook a rest and just go be. But don't forget to bookmark the yummy drink in the link below before you sign off. I promise it will only take one click to get you there!

Click and clink

Cheers- Your Boozy Weathergirl


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