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Writer's pictureThe Boozy Weathergirl

Crazy with a (US) Capitol "C!"

Back to life, back to reality. Back to a Deep Thoughts Thursday with The Boozy Weathergirl that has no theme (or even cohesive thinking).



"Drawers" is a really hard word to pronounce. Go ahead. Say it out loud. You sound like you're eating a box of rocks.


I really wanted to try some new recipes when I was off from work in December. But then I looked at the 12 pages of ingredients, couldn't justify purchasing all this crap without even knowing if anyone in my household would eat any of it, and decided to call Uber Eats instead.


Another thing I won't be trying? That Groupon for Botox. If I am going to inject botulism into my face, you better bet that I am not going to do it at a place that's so desperate for business they're handing out a hefty discount!


Here's what I don't get. Someone makes an error in a post, but instead of just going back and fixing the mistake, they follow up with multiple comments under their own post, detailing the error and why they should fix it. Um, hello, that's why there is an edit button. Use it.


Another thing I don't get - and this one goes out more to teachers than anyone else - You are looking at me, apparently listening to me and engaged in our discussion, as I spell out explicit directions. But within seconds after I finish speaking, you turn to me and ask me what to do. Seriously? Who has time for this shit?


Common WTF situation? When you pick up a drink that you think is one thing, but it's actually something completely different. Really not a problem for me. More so a problem when my 15-year-old thinks she's stealing a swig of water from my cup, but in fact, she gets a gulp of vodka and seltzer. Oops! 🤷‍♀️


Know anyone you can smell coming into your space before you can see him/her? Not like BO, but a fragrance smell? And you just want to pull them aside and let them know that perfume or cologne are meant to be just a splash, not something you bathe in?


If I am bringing my daughter to a friend's party, or dropping my husband at the golf course, there is no traffic nor impediment to my getting there on time. Smooth sailing. But that one time I'm leaving late for work, you better bet I'll be stuck behind a school bus, with a substitute driver, stopping at its first of fifteen stops on the two-mile stretch of road to get to the highway.


I happened to look at my maxi pad wrapper this morning and noticed it included inspirational #likeagirl messages in the graphic design. And, of course, because I'm in such a happy, non-cynical mood when I'm on the rag, this sent me into a fit of rage. Like a girl? Damn straight. I am stuck with this monthly bill, like a girl. And you know who ain't #likeagirl? The dumb-ass male marketer, who doesn't have to deal with this shit EVERY MONTH and thought this was a great marketing tool.


My advice - just split the bill. It all evens out in the end. Oh, and I can't add when I'm drunk, so...


Folks, what the hell has this world come to? I've heard that neither Trump nor Biden drink. I bet that shit changed after yesterday! No matter what side of the political spectrum you land on, stay decent, please.

Cheers- Your Boozy Weathergirl

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