As we wrap up the school year (finally!) and we open up our states, I give you this week's edition of Deep Thoughts Thursday with The Boozy Weathergirl.
Does anyone even bother checking their horoscopes anymore? I mean, what could it say? Do we even have a future?
For those of you dating, how often do you use social distancing as an excuse to ward off a loser? If you haven’t tried it yet, it might be the biggest bonus of this fiasco.
With everyone wearing masks now, I really can’t tell who anyone is anymore. And I’m pretty sure I’m offending people left and right by either staring too long or searching their bodies for some identifying feature or a name tag.
For me, the term “new normal” is akin to “think outside the box.” #overused #makeitstop There is nothing normal about right now. And whoever climbed in that box should be taped in it and left to suffocate.
At the start of COVID, I would primp for a Zoom call. Now, if I am forced to attend one, I wake up 15 minutes beforehand, pee, put on a baseball cap and position the camera so that you can’t see that I’m not wearing a bra.
I’m glad that Fuller House is now empty.
Sorry, but I hugged the shit out of my nail tech yesterday.
If I see adults making Tik Toks in bars and restaurants, I will slap them silly.
So, my kid basically eats breakfast between 11:00 and 1:00, lunch between 4:00 and 6:00 and dinner between 9:00 and 11:00. Explain to me how I am supposed to get her back on a schedule of waking up at 5:30am in the Fall?
I don’t think I’ll be able to save enough money to live my best life twice in 2021.
Please be smart as we ease back into things. And raise a huge glass to not having to hear about or do distance learning anymore (at least for now)!
