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Dusting with a hint of sleet

Writer's picture: The Boozy WeathergirlThe Boozy Weathergirl

I say this every year, but I am certain Mother Nature forgot her meds. After recent temps in the 50s, it's now colder than a snowman's fart outside. And, bitch, can you just give us a snowstorm that guarantees a snow day? Not this dusting with a hint of sleet shit (although that could be a great way t order a drink!)? Enjoy this week's Deep Thoughts Thursday with The Boozy Weathergirl. I can barely remember what I wrote.



Don Lemon, who was fired by CNN last year, has announced his new show - The Don Lemon Show - to air on X (Elon Musk's new fascination). It won't be too hard to come up with headlines when the show busts. Am I right, or am I right?


I went to BJs last weekend, because I am stupid and think I have tons of money to spend on needless things. The name of that store is bad enough. But the customer service creepy robot thing that trailed me through the food section was just unnerving. I finally yelled, "Dude, PERSONAL SPACE," and the thing freaked out and went to torment some other poor shopper.


Rumor has it that Amazon Prime is going to start charging for returns. I fail to believe that they're losing as much money on these massive bulk returns as they will when I alone stop buying so much from them, because the returns are no longer free.


For those of us going through the college application/acceptance process right now, I'd like to propose a new slogan for FAFSA - FAFSA sucks my ASSA (#fafsasucksmyassa).


This is just a question/observation, but do you know anyone who has gone on a cruise since COVID that did not come back with COVID?


I was reading an article about the onset of dementia, which begins with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). They said you can tell this is happening by observing something as simple as grocery shopping, where a person "must write down a grocery list; nor can the person remember, as done previously, the aisle in which a particular grocery item can be found." Well, fuck! I might as well give up now and move into the old folks' home, because not only do I do this, but I forgot my reuseable bags in the car, and I'll be damned if I can even remember what aisle my car is in, let alone the space!!


As I watched the Emmys on Monday night, it also never ceases to amaze me how many people in the industry I forgot died in the past year. And if I can't remember THEM, who the hell is going to remember ME when I am gone?


Have you ever skimmed over some click bait, promising yourself you will not click on it, because you know that it will lead to cluttering your feed with some weird shit, but at the end of the day you just can't stop yourself? Yeah, me neither.


I am totally pissed at myself for signing up for the 20% off one item when I subscribed to Bed, Bath and Beyond. I was only buying one item. It was not on sale. So, why not? Savings is savings. It took me an extra 10 minutes to buy this online item, because I had to wait for the email to come and verify my address, then I had to download the app, and go back and click on the email link to bring me to the coupon, then find the items again, because before I was on the Web site, not the app. Still, I'm saving. Then I went to check out, and there was no 20% off. WTF? So, I go back, find the coupon in my Inbox and THEN read the fine print - "excludes housewares." Are you fucking kidding me? IT'S BED, BATH and BEYOND!!!! What the fuck in this store is NOT housewares? I almost chucked my computer across the room.


For those of you who are not familiar with my sense of humor, I'd like to clarify - I am not that funny. I'm actually a total bitch, but people think I am joking.


I am so bogged down with jobs, schools, birthdays, get-togethers and gifts right now, I need a little simple. I stumbled across this cocktail recipe, and its siplicty made me smile. Along with the site name - Create Yum. Yes, my readers, go out and create yum today!

So, you had a bad day

Cheers- Your Boozy Weathergirl


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