It's been a week. I really haven't been able to focus on this blog. However, I stumbled upon a study about songs that made people feel good. And there happened to be ten of them, so I thought this week's Deep Thoughts Thursday with The Boozy Weathergirl could agree with these jams, because they made me want to get up and dance!
Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now" - If you've ever felt uninspired, but then something lit a fire under your ass, this is the song that clenches that feeling.
ABBA, "Dancing Queen" - OMFG! We have been singing this song in chorus over the past few months, and it's amazing how one song can bring Gen X and the whole world together!
Beach Boys, "Good Vibrations" - Some people have a song that proves this. Others have a battery-powered device.
Billy Joel, "Uptown Girl" - Billy went after a chick who was way beyond his league, and we still bought into this! You could actually fill in any Billy Joel song here, and it would work.
Survivor, "Eye of the Tiger" - I still think of Sylvester Stallone running up and down the stairs in Philly when I hear this song.
The Monkees, "I'm a Believer" - They may have made this song popular when they were popular, but all I think of now if "Shrek." Sorry, Monkees!
Cyndi Lauper, "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" - Although we seem like pent-up bitches most of the time, I swear at heart, this is true.
Bon Jovi, "Livin' on a Prayer" - If Jon was not so committed to his wife of 10,000 years, I would make my move. No matter what song he was singing.
Gloria Gaynor, "I Will Survive" - I lip synched this on my wedding night. I don't know if that was a curse or a blessing.
Katrina & the Waves, "Walking on Sunshine" - I mean, come on. Just listen to this when you need it, dammit!
I am so tired. But there is so much ahead this week! I need a little caffeine to pick me up. And maybe a little Kettle One! Cheers!