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Writer's pictureThe Boozy Weathergirl

Here's to grog, grub and glory!

As I am not terribly far away from turning the big 5-0, I have to give Phil Mickelson a huge shout out for being cool enough to be the oldest winner of the PGA Championship in his 50s. As I try to stay young at heart, my granny-like views still come out in this week's Deep Thoughts Thursday with The Boozy Weathergirl...



I got used to not posting things on social media during COVID so people wouldn't judge me. Now, I just don't feel like letting anybody know what I'm doing.


My husband sets a countdown clock to the most important event of his life (annually) - The Indy 500. It got me thinking about countdown clocks. I know it's something to look forward to, but at the same time, doesn't it just make you anxious? Like, you're nervous that it's too far away or coming too quickly? I think I enjoy my approach better - being completely unaware that an event is even near, then scrambling to get my shit together for it at the last minute.


On the same note, my husband has left for the infamous Indy 500 trip, thus forcing me to be the one who takes out the trash this week. As I was wheeling the can down the driveway, I thought to myself, "where do they throw away garbage cans?"


I have been drinking more tea lately. My favorite brand is probably Harney & Sons - just an FYI. Anyway, my sipping got me thinking - do people who work for a tea company get to take coffee breaks? Or do they have to call it tea time?


One other thing I have been drinking more of is water. Trying to stay hydrated, because I've suffered from a lot of Charlie Horses lately. These usually happen late at night/early in the morning. And when I can't get back to sleep, my mind wonders things like, if humans get a Charlie Horse, what do horses get? Just the Charlie?


Someone used the term "Back to the Drawing Board" in a meeting I attended recently. Made me think - what did they say before drawing boards were invented. What even is a drawing board? Do millennials understand this saying?


I drove by a car with a rabbit's foot hanging from the rear-view mirror. I know that's supposed to be lucky, but why? And for whom? I mean, it's not lucky for the little bunny that had to donate its foot for that car ornament, right?


My favorite genre of books/television is the murder mystery. One of the shows I watch had a scene in court, and of course, they say, "do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?" I keep waiting for someone to stand up after that and say something like, "no, dummy, I plan to lie my ass off so I don't have to go to jail!" Like, what would happen if that happened? Anyone have any first-hand experience?


My girlfriends and I had an opportunity this weekend for a little time out to have drinks and catch up. This, of course, led to us discussing the time we need to carve out for our husbands to make them feel special, like date nights. And then we talked about the things they plan for us, that come with "those" expectations, and how we'd like to just go out and have nothing expected later. Which basically led us to coin the phrase "SEXPECTATIONS." We'd like our partners to do something for us without sexpectations.


One of the most profound facts I read this week - a banana has 105 calories. A shot of whiskey has 80 calories. Choose wisely, my friends.


We are on the verge of the first allowable celebration weekend since COVID began, and it feels fantastic. Please raise a glass to all who have fought to give us the right to imbibe, and if you see a person who serves our country presently, consider buying him/her/them a cocktail as a thank you. Here are a few tasty, refreshing suggestions.

Cheers to the Red, White and Blue

Party like it's ok to party- Your Boozy Weathergirl

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