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Writer's pictureThe Boozy Weathergirl

I don't want none unless you got buns, hun

I'm not Irish, but I have been described as The World's Tallest Leprechaun. Consider yourself lucky that I was sober enough to crank out this week's Deep Thoughts Thursday with The Boozy Weathergirl.



My husband believes that hot dog buns with the slit on the top (rather than the side) are only found in the Northeast. I disagree. Anyone care to prove me right?


Speaking of buns, the messy bun is a bunch of BS. It's supposed to be effortless, yet it takes a gazillion tries to make it look like you weren't trying.


Why do I go back and re-read a message I just sent, even though I previously read it 50 times and made edits?


I could barely bump something with any part of my body and still shout out, "Ouch!"


I create playlists to put all the song genres I want together in one place. Then I select "Shuffle," because I don't care about the order in which they are played. Until they start being played in the order I don't want them played. And then I find myself scrolling through to get to the songs I want to hear more than others, thereby negating the shuffle option.


If you see me having a conversation with myself, please do not interrupt me. You see, these are absolutely the best conversations I ever have.


When I watch a fake funeral on TV, it triggers this obsession where all I can think about is what people will say about me at my own funeral. Which then leads me into a depression about all my past mistakes, causing me to grab a pint of ice cream and some Baileys.


I'm running around like a crazy person, grab a bag of chips for lunch, and now, I am parched. I find a can of whatever in my car, and this is the time the damn can tab fails. So I use any sharp object available and start cutting into the can, desperately trying to quench this dry mouth, only to slice my finger open and possibly need stitches. Seriously?


Who came up with the saying, "Happy as a clam?" Like, how does anyone know that a clam is happy? They don't speak, or have facial expressions, and they're stuck in a shell, waiting to be eaten. Why in the HELL would that make it happy?


I was interviewing a reverse psychologist, and I asked why I should hire her. Her answer - "you shouldn't."


Finally, my winter fat is gone, and and now I have spring rolls. Forget buns of steel. I need cinnamon buns. And drinking them is even better.

Starting a bun fight over this bevvy!

Sláinte!- Your Boozy Weathergirl

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