It's April 1st, but I'm not foolin' - this Deep Thoughts Thursday with The Boozy Weathergirl is super on fleek.
I am a planner. It should then come as no surprise to know that I buy things to replace other things that appear to be running out (ie. soap, toothpaste, lotion, etc.). I'm also a purger. So when I see these things running low, I'm ready for them to be gone. So how is it that the tiny bit of soap, or whatever is left at the bottom of a container, lingers for weeks!?! I thought this was an emergency. I swear someone refills the damn thing to spite me.
Who makes phone calls anymore? I can't stand them. But there are some people who call you, who you feel you cannot ignore. So when you miss a call from him/her, you do feel obligated to call back. As the phone rings, your angst builds, and all you can think is, "how many minutes/hours of my life will I waste on this one," until...the voicemail message comes on, and you breathe a sigh of utter relief.
If I am deciding which picture to post on social media, my focus is on me and me only. Sorry, but if you're squinting or in an awkward position, you're SOL.
Sometimes I really need to step away from looking at my computer. So I pick up my smartphone to take a break.
You just got paid, and you pass a fancy boutique. You go inside, because you deserve this. You start browsing and find the most perfect little something, and you just want to snatch it up. Then you look at the price tag, swallow hard and try not to let your eyes bug out while you continue to pretend this price tag is exactly what you expected, and you're still considering the purchase, knowing all the while you could never afford to buy something this ridiculously overpriced on your budget.
My husband and daughter go through fast and furious obsessions with certain foods. Like it's insatiable - for a hot second. Know how I can tell when the obsession is over? It's the day I come home with 10+ packs of whatever they're currently devouring daily.
Do you know how many conversations I've played out in my head that have never happened?
I love it when people give me justification for why I can't stand them - and other people get to see it too.
It's so odd how you're always on your phone, yet when I call or text, you're suddenly unreachable. Hmmmmmmm
If my texts ever get released, I will definitely have no friends, my family will disown me, and I'll be relocating to Siberia. #swiperight #delete
How are we done with the first quarter of 2021, folks? As Spring Break looms large, please don't forget where we were this time last year. I don't do well with going backward. The only fever I want is Spring Fever! Have fun. Be smart. Stay safe. And drink up!
April's Fool
Love them all. I can't decide which ones the best. Why do identify with all of these? Have a wonderful Easter. Food and drink, as long as I don't have to do the cooking.