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Writer's pictureThe Boozy Weathergirl

It's "You," dummy!

Adele wowed us this week with her television performance of the record that seemed to take 30 years to release. I will end your wait for this week's Deep Thoughts Thursday with The Boozy Weathergirl right here, right now.



Looking like a woman about to ride a horse is probably one of the richest, chicest looks out there. However, when you live in the land of the thick calf like I do, finding those perfect riding boots is about the most frustrating fashion endeavor ever. Any of you ladies feeling me on this?


People keep posting about how excited they are to see bears in their near vicinity. I have friends who actually pray for these sightings while they're out on a walk or a run. Why? Do you want to be mauled to death or eaten by a 600-pound creature during your afternoon training ritual? Possibly in front of family or friends? Or worse - in front of your own pet, who will surely meet the same fate? I'll save my grizzlies for National Geographic and National Lampoon, thanks.


There are all these people out there crusading to save the planet. I swear, some would save their own toilet paper (used) if they thought it might help. So why, pray tell, can I NEVER find a garbage can in a large plaza of stores? If there are 20 stores in a plaza, there should be at least 20 garbage cans at their doors. That way, I won't throw my trash on the ground or have to carry it in a store and accost the people behind the counter for their can. Remember, if you don't make it easy, it won't happen.


Don't you just hate when you know your spouse/child/friend is asleep in the room you're in, and you are trying to be so quiet as to not disturb them, but that's the one time you trip over the ottoman at the end of the bed, stub your toe to the point of breaking it, as you fall into the door and slam your arm on the doorknob? #nogooddeedgoesunpunished


Today's advice - when receiving a group text or email, and it contains a question, scroll to the bottom or go the last exchange before sending THE SAME DAMN RESPONSE that everyone before you sent. Hours ago. No one cares if you know the answer. They just want the answer. There's no contest here. Especially when it involves picking something up. If you don't have to go, rejoice! Don't take it as a personal affront to your worthiness.


I was streaming something and an ad for Botox Cosmetic Day is the only ad that came up in between sections of my show. First, have we gotten to that point in our lives that we need a whole day to celebrate injecting botulism into our bodies to avoid looking our age? But more importantly, how bad have I let myself go that my algorithm feels I need to be reminded about getting Botox EVERY 10 MINUTES?!?


You know you're going to have a suck-ass day when it starts by you getting half your coat closure stuck in your zipper, and your choice is to either fix the zip or rip the coat. Seriously, can't the material around the zipper just be flush? Why the extra material?


I was getting ready in the morning, thinking about the word "mammary" (for obvious reasons), and I wondered to myself, did the word "mama" come from that somehow? Which then lead me to think did "papa" come from "penis" and "dada" from "dick?" (These are seriously the things that go through my mind in the AM)


I pride myself on making quick decisions. Sometimes these are informed and smart, sometimes just my gut. But I make them. People who are indecisive drive me to the brink of insanity. JUST PICK ONE. ANY ONE. #FORTHELOVEOFGOD


Let's hear it for the turkey farmers and the aluminum manufacturers this year. You both put the fear of God in people so badly regarding supplies being limited to unattainable, that there are no turkeys to be found and everyone has stock piled canned goods to last until the end of the world. Bravo, marketers. BRA-A-AVO!


As a lover of Pop Culture, as well as all shows Netflix, I have been thoroughly entertained by the updated version of "Who's on first? What's on second?" provided by Laura Ingraham and Raymond Arroyo this week. I hope this link gives you a good giggle too!

Who’s on first?

Ciao- Your Boozy Weathergirl

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