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Just trying to keep a little perspective.

Folks, my thoughts are neither profound or very funny this week, but nonetheless, I give you another Deep Thoughts Thursday with The Boozy Weathergirl...



I created a spreadsheet to track when I actually shower, just so I don’t have to fight with myself about it.


I used to burn candles to make my house smell nice. Now I do it to just mask the smell of my family.


Where is the Shark Tank episode with the new ideas for homemade toilet paper?


Remember when we wore adult diapers as part of a costume to be funny? Ain’t so funny now that there’s no toilet paper, is it? Depends.


It has been about 30 years since I’ve seen my toe nails without any nail polish on them.


Who knew that the Pedi Egg I bought from a TV infomercial in the late ‘90s would become my most prized possession in 2020?


Once this is done, I will be able to get a side job of renting myself out as Rapunzel. My hair will be down past my ass, and maybe I’ll add some pink and purple highlights to the foot-long roots at the top. The kids will love it! Some pervs might too...


Since we don’t let our kids go anywhere and they seem fine, can’t we start trading them for bottles of liquor or something? I mean, Morgan always wanted siblings. Help me make the kid’s dream come true, please!


Speaking of Morgan, have you seen her? Because I sure haven’t. Haven’t seen my husband much either. Maybe that's because I keep hiding in the closet. Or the car. I think we’ve found a way to #selfseclusionsequester


At the start of this, I promised myself I was only going to drink Thursday through Sunday. This isn’t the first promise to myself I have broken. Nor will it be the last.


Wishing you only glasses half full throughout this fiasco!

Cheers- Your Boozy Weathergirl

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