The feds are still looking for Brian Laundrie. Me? I'm just airing my dirty laundry in this week's Deep Thoughts Thursday with The Boozy Weathergirl.
I take great satisfaction in watching some ass wipe blow past me at 100 miles per hour, only to pull up right behind him at the next stop light. #whatstherush #haha
I "read" a lot - through the gift of audiobooks. I have a couple of pet peeves about the recordings though. The first is when the voice of the character is nothing like what you would imagine it to be. Like a deep voice for a mousey character. But an even bigger grievance is when they change the voices in a book series, and they don't even have the courtesy to pick a new voice actor that is remotely close to the old one. It seriously messes with my mind when I'm trying to associate a new voice with a character I've identified with for the last three or so books, you know?
Speaking of voices, I mostly want to strangle Siri, Alexa and my car GPS speaker. Their whiney voices that never tell me anything push me to the brink of insanity. However, when you go into settings and change that voice to a male English or Australian accent, I would do anything for that device. Absolutely anything.
Why is Facebook so desperate for me to like Tik Tok? I have little enough time to scroll through and actually catch up on anything worthwhile. So I certainly am not going to take the time to watch these damn Reels that pop up in my feed, especially since it's the same dance, over and over and over again. Hey Facebook, I am old. I'm your demographic, not Tik Tok's. So just stop.
I got an email at work from Dog Waste Depot. The subject line read, "Holidays are just around the corner!" OK, so either dogs poop a ton more between Turkey Day and Xmas or everyone's getting shit bags as stocking stuffers this year!
Ordering takeout in a large group is a true, true PITA. Between people not being able to find the menu, finding the wrong menu, being indecisive and just taking too long to decide, it can actually make you want to cook (just kidding!). But there is nothing that infuriates me more than when I have gone through all of this, gotten the order written down perfectly, dial the number and the MFing restaurant is closed on THAT DAY ONLY.
I know this is said all the time, but only in New England can you agonize each morning about whether it makes more sense to wear shorts and a t-shirt or flannels and a goose-down parka. Same goes for turning on the heat or AC. Basically, the day could start at 37 degrees and finish at 77. Why I did not marry into the oil business, I will never know.
Ever notice that there is no in between when it comes to Halloween decor? You'll see someone's house, and there is either one ghost hanging off the door knocker or the entire yard looks like someone crapped spooky on it. I'd love to know who has the time to decorate like the latter. Makes me happy I live in a planned community with rules.
Speaking of Halloween, do not go out and buy your kid a costume yet, because he/she/they will change his/her/their mind about 1000 times in the next two weeks. When the complaining starts, lock the kid in the basement with a cardboard box, scissors, glue and other scraps from the house and tell them to be creative!
Every day, I come to the realization that my life would be infinitely better if I didn't ever have to go to the bathroom.
The FDA is telling us that mixing vaccines boosts immunity. I like to kill my viruses from the inside out by ingesting large amounts of high octane liquor. If you're like me, try these COVID cocktails instead.