I don't even know what to say about this week. So, l'll just skirt around the elephant (or donkey) in the room and thank you for electing to read this week's Deep Thoughts Thursday with The Boozy Weathergirl. (PS - I only had five original thoughts this week. Then I found five memes that cracked me up. Your challenge this week - see if you can tell which are which!)
Trunk-or-Treat. Is this the laziest way to celebrate Halloween or what? Have our fat asses decided it's too far to walk 100 steps around a neighborhood to make ourselves even fatter with candy? Afraid your child might get hit by a car? Hummm, well then, go out with them and pay attention!
Speaking of holidays, I've decided to jump right from Halloween to Christmas. Me: I will let my child be independent and make their own choices. Also me: Oh, hell no, that ornament does not go on that branch.
When to say when. I bring this up, because, in the age of texting, the back and forth of responses could be infinite. Like, if you say something to me, and I say something back, but then you say something back, do I need to respond? Again? Like at what point do I seem like a bitch, or at what point is the person on the other end poking pins in a doll trying to make me get the hint that the discussion is over?
Kids. You let them shenan once, and they'll shenanigan.
Nothing is more anxiety-inducing than when one of your powder dips cracks and falls partly off your nail, but you don't have time to get to a nail salon to fix it for days.
The day they handed out patience, I left, because the line was taking too long.
I make a shopping list for a reason. Yet somehow, in the store, faced with a sale, I seem to think that my list is inaccurate, and I definitely need whatever is on sale. In triplicate. Problem is, I also thought that three weeks ago. And now I have enough said product for about two years. My new motto - "If it's not on the list, it won't be missed."
Never blame others for the road you're on. It's your own asphalt.
Because I am The Boozy WEATHERgirl, I was excited to see a headline stating that we should expect more snow this winter than in the recent past. I was also thinking, damn, I really should have become a meteorologist, because DUH. If we get even a foot of snow, total, this year, it would be more than the last three years combined. I mean, come on, how do people get paid for this shit?
I would like to thank my middle finger for always sticking up for me when I needed it.
In a strange turn of events, my daughter left CT for San Diego, because she hated how cold it was here. Well, the joke is on her as it is now warmer here than in the Golden State! Instead of beating a dead horse (or donkey again), let's just drink. Together. As one.