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Random deep thoughts on a rainy day.

It's raining again (and if I put this Supertramp song in your head now, I'm sorry). It's also Thursday, which means it's time for another installment of Deep Thoughts Thursday with The Boozy Weathergirl. Here goes.



One big boredom buster has now been to eat Skittles while I sniff Mr. Sketch markers. It’s like injecting myself with a rainbow of the senses.


I’ve seen a lot of you breaking down and cutting/coloring your own hair. I’ve also seen people do their own nails. But, for the love of God, people, please no at-home tattoos! Please comment with some of the F ups people could make with those!


If a spouse gets murdered during quarantine, would that count as a COVID-related death? Asking for a friend…


Those of you spending hundreds of thousands on new gym equipment and animals – you know life is going to return to normal at some point, right? Think before you buy…


I love all these mommy/daddy/best that I can be challenges. Very uplifting. But how about we get real and start posting the “ShitShow of the Day” or “Psychotic Outburst of the Day.” Let’s show what those lovely creatures we spend ALL day with are doing to us NOW, not when we first got together or when the mini creatures we created could not speak!


All of these senior celebration posts got me thinking of a real-life social experiment. Let’s line the streets with pictures of ourselves. People can place stickers on your face – either a smiley face or a poop emoji. If you get a lot of poops, wake up! Time to change up your game. Could be eye-opening for some.


By nature, I am directionally challenged. So if you think arrows in a grocery store are going to help me, think again. I find myself turning my cart around and walking backwards, just to seem like I’m going in the right direction. You know why? Because the isle I need is ALWAYS in the exact opposite arrow direction from where I am standing. Without fail. I’m the one walking down each aisle, apologizing for my stupidity and noting that I know I’m going down the wrong aisle. Not that you could hear any of it through my stupid mask!!


Speaking of the grocery store, what is it people do not understand about social distancing? A-hole, six feet apart does not mean reaching in behind me while I was the first person to go for the Flaming Hot Cheetos! This is my time with the snacks. Wait your damn turn, and for God’s sake, do not touch me or breath on me!


What is up with this weather? I am basically experiencing seasonal depression daily. I really can’t take it anymore. How is a girl supposed to drink outside in the rain?


For my parting thought, I had to steal from a meme I was sent yesterday. My challenge for you today is to be the reason someone smiles today. Or drinks. Or masturbates. Whatever works for you.


Wishing you a quiet corner and a full bottle always- Your Boozy Weathergirl

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