The SAG awards took place last weekend with "Everything, Everywhere All at Once" took the top prize. Sadly, the only thing sagging everywhere all at once for me are my boobs. So, I'll try a pick-me-up with this week's Deep Thoughts Thursday with The Boozy Weathergirl.
"How is it possible to have this many reusable shopping bags that I never reuse?" Says me, every time I walk into the grocery store with the pile of bags still sitting in my back seat.
Even this many years after the debut of "Hamilton," my husband is still obsessed with the play. So much so that he annoys me and my daughter daily with references to the lyrics in our everyday life. And since I also have the soundtrack memorized, I can't stop myself breaking into song (in my mind), all damn day. If you enjoy the music from that play, now you too can be mesmerized at how the lyrics from the original cast recording show up repeatedly in your daily life. You'll be helpless to play this game. Just you wait.
I'm a bit late in the game to the phenomenon that is "Cobra Kai," but I am obsessed. However, it is slightly concerning to see two grown men harboring a grudge over a karate tournament for 30+ years. Like, haven't you had anything better to focus on since high school? #getalife
You can definitely tell how old I am by the way I text. Morally, I can't not use capitalization and punctuation. In fact, I think the disregard of these two grammatical staples is the start of the downfall of society. And it certainly explains the failure of this new generation. Well, that and not learning cursive.
Why do people clap in the movie theater at the end of the movie? Like, who do you think can hear you? It must be that you are seriously starved for attention.
If I ask you to choose a restaurant, movie or dinner choice, and you answer with, "whatever you want," be prepared to get punched. Probably in the face. If I wanted to make the decision myself, why the hell would I have asked you in the first place? And you wonder why I never ask for help...
When you walk into my office and the door is closed, I expect that you will close it behind you when you leave. Likewise, if it's open, leave it open. Unless I ask you to do the opposite, or your head is too far up your ass to think about anyone else's needs but your own.
There is a reason I let the grocery store shop for my groceries for me. And that reason is this - I can't stand the damn people who see others they know at the grocery store, then stop their carts side-by-side, blocking either the entrance to the store or the aisle I'm trying to get down. #moveyourass
Whether it be a charger cord or a USB cable, I never, ever choose the correct direction in which to stick it into the device. It's kinda like when the door clearly says "Pull," but I push. Every. Damn. Time.
My quote of the week comes from Tom Schwartz on the show "Vanderpump Rules," basically summing up the whole Mars/Venus debate - “She laid it all out, and it made perfect sense. I can’t probably give you the specifics because I was so upset, I wasn’t really listening. But also, I don’t want to ask her again because one of the reasons she broke up with me is because I’m not a good listener.” Bravo, Mrs. Schwartz. Braaaaavo!
We got our first snowstorm of the season here in CT this week, and there is a frozen mix on the way for the weekend. To that I say, "you bet there is!" And I offer you nine options to keep you warm inside when it's cold outside.