This day is grayer than my hair, so it must be time for Deep Thoughts Thursday with The Boozy Weathergirl!
These increasingly random Day-In-The-Life challenges need to be over. We don’t need more online uplifting. Go outside. Soak in the sun. Really. Do it!
I finished Netflix. I’m waiting for my certificate of completion to arrive in the mail.
OMG, I am so happy my gym is reopening. Now I can finally go in and cancel that useless membership!
Who decided that these mini celebrations should be called drive-bys? I mean, is there a less-appealing description we could use to ruin a happy event?
Even though things are reopening and COVID cases are down, this still hasn’t changed the fact that I will hold my breath indefinitely to make sure I don’t cough in a store.
Having even a small group of people over this past weekend justified EVERY on-line purchase I made during quarantine.
Every once in a while, you know that a company really gets you. That company for me is Drinkworks. This product would make my life complete - The alcohol is in the pod! Best words EVER!!
If you’re dumb enough to ignore the safety rules in place, and you post that shit all over social media, do not set up a Go Fund Me for your stupidity! #gofundyourself
Can Bath and Body Works please start making nice, scented hand sanitizer again? I will have no problem keeping people 6 feet away from me, because this industrial strength stuff makes me smell like ass!!
One thing is certain, I never ever want to spend this much time with myself ever again!
As most schools wrap up in the next week or so, I raise my glass to all the administrators, teachers, staff, maintenance and school-aged children! We did the best we could. Let's drink to the fact that it's FINALLY over!!!