Trump was shot. Biden has COVID. Do you think someone is trying to tell US something? Then here I am, just trying to find some support for my Deep Thoughts Thursday with The Boozy Weathergirl.
The WiFi you purchase on airplanes is a bunch of BS. The only thing it gets you is whatever that airline wants you to see and hear. If you really want to do what you want to do in the sky, download everything. Do not be fooled.
Who creates a bathroom with no fans or ventilation of any kind? Especially in a hotel? If nothing else, a fan serves as a way to drown out doing your business. Unless you're in the Presidential Suite, everything you do in the bathroom is not only heard (and smelled?) by everyone in your room, but also in the rooms above and below you. If you can't install a fan, how about providing a white noise machine for the shitter?
When you visit your local liquor store, and no matter what time of day you go, you always run into the same drunk old man, holding the same big 'ol bottle of whiskey, does this mean he has a drinking problem or you do?
Sometimes, you each a bunch of crappy food, and it makes you feel bad. But then a fun friend posts this, and you feel better again - "It's amazing how much exercise and extra fries sound alike!"
I was watching TV, and a character described this time of year as "sneeze-onal." How has the allergy industry missed this pun for so long? It's a near-genius way of describing this time of year, no?
You know what's worse than a back seat driver? Your kid, in the front seat, berating your driving skills minute-by-minute as you try to adjust to a rental car, in a major city where you are not used to driving, which also has the most fucked up signage ever seen.
How is it that I have time to remind everyone else about their medical needs and visits, yet I can't manage to find 15 minutes to get the blood drawn that was requested by MY doctor two weeks ago (going on three...)?
When you join a parent page of any kind, only to see the same damn question asked over and over and over again, despite the admins painstakingly detailing that this answer (as well as MANY other answers) are saved in folders with very clear, logical titles. #smh
Headline - "Nearly 7,000 lbs of hot dogs recalled due to lack of inspection." Knowing even what little I know about hot dogs, would this inspection really make that much of a difference? Like, what ingredient would be the one that sends the batch over the edge? Please, don't answer that. I love hot dogs.
Speaking of product packaging, peanut butter jars. They have a protective paper cover under the twist-off top which should be COMPLETELY removed before usage. Duh! You don't just stab through or rip off a piece in the middle. Who the hell wants little pieces of paper in their PB&J? And why is anyone too lazy to just peel off the whole thing?
This was also a devastating week for Gen Xers. We lost a "Charmed" actress, who made not being born in So Cal so cool; we lost the zany therapist who taught everyone things about sex no one knew they needed to know; AND we lost the gayest guru who ever graced a skin-tight aerobic body suit! In honor of these icons, mix up a Legend and sip slowly.