The Gilded Age has ended, but Bridgerton has just begun. The time period we're discussing in this week's Deep Thoughts Thursday with The Boozy Weathergirl is 2022, and it's just as messed up as the good ol' days, so sit back and sip.
That annoyance you feel when Daylight Saving Time happens, and you think you've changed all the clocks in the house, but you go in one of those unused rooms and figure out that you didn't change THAT one. And, of course, that one is the cheap clock you got at Walmart, where every year, you stand there and play with it for five to ten minutes, just to figure out how to move the thing one freaking hour ahead! And don't even get me started on three months later when you pull out that watch for special occasions, you don't realize you never reset it, you follow the time on there and go into full-frenzied panic mode when you find out you're an hour BEHIND the current time. Senate better step up and pass the bill to end this bullshit! #notafarmer #enddaylightsaving
I've mentioned a few times that I am taking a class in the evenings. Most of these sessions are online. After two years of Zoom and such, I'd say most of the world is familiar with the nuances of online meetings. So why, in a class of 20, can you people not remember to MUTE YOURSELF during the class, except when you're called on for something? Dude, I can hear every damn word of your argument with your girlfriend. Other dude, you are SNORING. Cannot imagine why the instructor does not start every class with a reminder about this. Sometimes, I'm nice and privately chat them to shut it down. Other times, I just use it as entertainment, because it's a hell of a lot more interesting than the content we're covering.
I heard they're thinking about making a Madonna biopic. Sign me up to star, please! I did a mean Madonna impersonation in the 80s. I know I can rechannel it. Just give me a shot, man! You can call it "Borderline," because at this point, she's borderline insane and so am I.
I have not been shy on here about sharing my tendency to be a bit anal retentive. So when I tell you that I have a habit of channeling my inner Marie Kondo and reorganizing my house and office, I am sure you would not be surprised. And it's awesome. I can categorize and restructure the shit out of things and make them look perfect. Which is all fine until I go to find whatever I want, and I can't remember where the hell I put it! Dammit. #staysloppy
Along the same lines, I have become accustomed to signing up for text notifications from UPS or Fed Ex or whatever to let me know when my purchases will arrive. The problem is that I order so much online, and these notifications provide nothing but a tracking number, that I find myself wasting huge chunks of time just trying to figure out what is even on the way. Truly no recollection of what these things could even be. So is the anxiety caused even worth knowing that something is coming? I think not.
I have resigned myself to the fact that when I talk to my family, I am basically talking to myself. Never is this clearer or more frustrating than when I have walked in the door from shopping at either the grocery store or the pharmacy, I unpack everything, sit down to rest and get immediately bombarded with a list of at least five things that they neglected to tell me they needed. PEOPLE - we have an Alexa! All you need to do is tell her when you run out of something! How much fucking easier can I make this? You have fun going back out to shop, cuz mama done!
I've been on a few Evites for people celebrating milestones over the past year. This is not just any party. It's a 40th, 50th, 60th or 70th birthday or anniversary. And when people cannot make it, they respond with, "maybe next time!" Huh? It's special. It happens once. There is no next time, dummy. #thinkbeforeyoutype
I was at a local drive through, in back of a KIA Sportage that bore the sticker, "Kinda sus." For those not in-the-know, that means suspect, suspicious or just shady. And I had to laugh. Because here in suburbia, we definitely find police and such targeting those mom-driven SUVs, looking for people just waiting to do something nasty.
I have a warped, but very in-tune sense of smell. Today, I was in a restaurant, waiting for food, and I swore an entire pack of cigarettes walked in behind me. But I have to say, now that weed is legal, I truly cannot tell if I just stepped on a dead skunk or if Bob Marley's ghost just wafted by me.
Today, I realized that my Spring Break trip is two weeks away, but my Spring Break body is about two decades and too many pounds away...
I lost a lot more than just an hour this past week. And, frankly, I'm kinda out of words. So carry on and try out this recipe for yum, if you're so inclined.