Something about this week has made me too tired to think. So instead of my usual, I have decided to make YOU think while reading this week's Deep Thoughts Thursday with The Boozy Weathergirl - "Would You Rather" edition...
Would you rather have a cook or a maid?
If you know me, even a little, you know I can't choose between these two. And why would I want to? I hate both cooking and cleaning. I say, the more the merrier.
Would you rather win the lottery or live forever?
No brainer - give me the money. I favor quality over quantity. And I could add immensely to my quality of life with more money.
Would you rather go without TV or go without junk food for the rest of your life?
Ooooooo, this is a tough one. Since they often go hand-in-hand, I don't know if I can pick one. But I'd probably go with TV. I can find a way to make any healthy food not healthy. #improvise
Would you rather babysit a crying infant for a day or entertain an unwanted guest for a week?
I'll take the baby. I wouldn't harm or end the life of a baby. But give me an adult asshole, and all bets are off.
Would you rather never age physically or mentally?
Mentally. I am not that physically fit, but I can keep you laughing for hours. I'd rather do that than run with you.
Would you rather have more time or more money?
This is a little trickier than the lottery question, because time just blows away like money. But I'm pretty sure I'd still take the money. Then I can buy time with people. Or just buy people to spend time with me.
Would you rather be a kid or an adult your whole life? 100%, kid. Adulting is for shit.
Would you rather be blind of deaf?
I have been asking myself this question since I was a little kid. I always come back to preferring to see, because I hear a lot of fake bullshit, but if I can see you, I can usually see the truth. #actionsspeaklouderthanwords
Would you rather be bored or be too busy?
I'm a wife, mother and daughter. I don't know what it feels like to be bored. So, I'm going to go with that.
Would you rather be someone else or just stay you?
I'm happy being me. I could be a little taller, a little thinner and a little prettier, but then you would hate me, because I'd be perfect.
And just like that, I provided you with a fantastic drinking game for any occasion! You're welcome! And you are also welcome to continue debating while choosing between the mixers in the link below. (Don't worry, hipsters. I'm pretty sure a shot of Kahlua can help even a beetroot latte!)
Kidsters vs. Hipsters
